From depths as hard as barren earth, as dark and cold as sea,

All drowning in the shadows I peer upward desperately.

I raise my voice, I raise my plea toward light-rich realms on high:

Out of the depths I call to Thee; O Lord God, hear my cry!


Thou reckon’st not our sinfulness, or we should surely fall;

Have pity then, and count not mine against me when I call;

For Thou art God most merciful, forgiving our offense,

Preferring that, for such a cause, we do Thee reverence.


I’ll hope in Thee, I’ll wait for Thee, however long I must;

Like weary watchmen in the dark I’ll look for Thee with trust;

I’ll gaze into the heavens black with faith’s unfailing eyes,

And know Thy light will yet return, sure as the sun will rise.


For Thou art God most merciful, most constant in Thy love,

Abounding in salvation greater than e’er dreamed we of.

Though miseries be vast and deep, yet is Thy mercy strong

To free and save Thy people from the burden of their wrong.